MVP Journey - AndrΓ© Baltazar

Building an MVP every week

πŸ“ Daily Log – Language Definition

While I was traveling I didn't do anything on my projects, but I created a sample file for my language ABLA. The current version on the website is a little different from my sample, because I basically stopped developing the language in the old repository.

The feature set is identical, but there are changes of syntax. There's also better support for parsing other languages inside ABLA. I will share it here eventually, but today I defined the basic structure that I will use to define languages in the current compiler, which Kotlin DSL. And I will need to implement the lexer and parser to be able to parse and switch between languages as I wish.

I look forward to be able to program in this language, but it is far from working, even a basic version.

While I had the old version which compiled a lot of things, and kinda run. I now consider that I need to start it over. That was really the first approach to the language that worked with compile time execution, and I learned quite a few things doing it. I will try to bring those teaching into this one, and improve it.

πŸ“ Daily Log – A little progress

Was able to work for a little on ABLA. I make a new tokenizer and started a simple parser, but I don't feel like it is a good one. I'm still very thorn on how to implement the language. It feels very sluggish to implement more advanced features.

Will continue to attempt to implement ABLA, but also want to work on another thing in parallel. I don't really have the time, but I will split it anyway.

πŸ“ Daily Log – ABLA

Been working on ABLA today. During my time off I actually had very nice ideas for features that I want in a language, and it is finally time for me to put those ideas into action. I'm going to start developing ABLA slowly again. After my normal job, so it is only a few hours a day, if that, and also going to work on other projects in parallel.

I've decided yesterday to start planning my weeks again. Planning my time off and my time working. Every second of the day as an event in a calendar. It is kinda overwhelming to see it like this, but I can take control of what to do.

πŸ“ Daily Log – Back

Back home. Thinking a lot about building. Don't feel inspired.

πŸ“ Daily Log – SubNot Suspended

It has been quite a few days since I've posted something. I've come to the realization that SubNot is not moving forward right now, so I've put it as a suspended status on the website. I envisioned this journey going in a very different direction, but this is what has been so far. The path travaled has been a really short one in the great scheme of things. It has been 3 months since the start, just a very small part of the path to be traveled.

Since the beginning of traveling, it has been difficult to keep this posts up to date. Sometimes I viewed them as a chore, but I want them to be viewed as a log. A diary of what has been done, the toughts that I had, and the things that I look forward to.

I've decided that the next step for this is building something with even more radical transparency. Going all in on development blogs, that accompany the product. Documenting almost every part of the project with stuggles, and the thoughts that I have when building features. I want it to be built into the product, and the updates to show there.

I think one great step for this would be to setup some really cool Git hooks that allow to take values from the commit messages and automatically write blog posts, tweets, and other pieces of documentation about it.

Heck, I even see that it could become a project in itself in the future. I think it's somethning really cool.