MVP Journey - André Baltazar

Building an MVP every week

📝 Daily Log – Mixed Bag

Worked on quite a few different things today. I can't decide what to do, so I just worked on a bunch of things.

I actually stayed really late (the sun was rising again) working on the Keyboard in KiCad. Looking at switches, USB hub schematics, and a bunch of other different things. The more I proceed into this project the more I think of how many things I'm always juggling.

On SubNot I worked on integrating webpack + typescript to build the button.js file. I've decided that I don't want to make it just really simple with vanilla js, because it is great the size, but not great to maintain. So I've enlisted the help of Typescript. For now, I just added those configs, and nothing much else.

Finally, I worked on my compiler. Just hacking stuff on it to try to get to the interesting parts. I figured out that I hate writing the code for lexing, but enjoy the parts where the machine code is being generated. It poses a challenge though, because I was writing the parser and lexer from scratch, and lexing with regex is a nightmare. I don't know what to make of it. I think I need to go do some reading about it.