MVP Journey - André Baltazar

Building an MVP every week

📝 Daily Log – Engineering

I've been feeling like that for some time. I really enjoy getting on the hardcore engineering parts of the different projects, but than I get bored when there are things that need to be repeated way too many times.

For example, I'm in the 5th revision of a program I've been writing that I really want to do, but it never works as intended. I'm moving slowly on it now, because I've done the common parts many times, and I just enjoy the parts that are a challenge. Of course, I know that a lot of things we do are boilerplate, and it is just how it works. But there are so many different engineering challenges out there that frustrating over something that you don't enjoy is stupid. This is why I always stop my projects, I just find something more interesting to do, the problem is that after that I see the old project, and just feel bad that I didn't finish. It's a very complex issue.

I'm an engineer at heart. I want to build, build, build. Just a bit lost at times.