MVP Journey - André Baltazar

Building an MVP every week

📝 Daily Log – Blog improvement

It is done. I've improved the blog using a generator. It generates the different pages from simple blog post files which follow a simple article format, so it's easy to manipulate, for example, to insert URLs in the title automatically. The pages are generated from a simple PHP file that runs on a first stage of the Docker build and the final posts are then copied to the final image.

I've been loving Docker lately. It is so simple to just run things. I can get new sites running in a few minutes, with just a couple commands. It's much easier than having to configure a ton of nginx files. It is basically only three commands: build, push, deploy.

Not sure yet what I'm doing next, since this actually was a very fast thing to do today. I'm going to catch some sunlight, and then do something else.