MVP Journey - André Baltazar

Building an MVP every week

📝 Daily Log – Start logging – Day 0

Today marks the start of a journey to create an MVP every week.

There will be daily entries with updates of each project as I go and the objective is to share the journey of building and launching them. This is heavily inspired by I'm Launching 12 Startups in 12 Months, 180 websites in 180 days and others who came before.

I've always built a lot of projects for many many years, but never this open. None of them really have anyone using them or are never published. I will share the code and learning for many of them. My motivation to do this website is to show my projects to the world and to force me to finish what I start. It's always easy to start, but to launch anything there is always something to perfect, something to change, or something to add, and that makes it difficult. Having a deadline of 7 days for each project will require me to plan to launch. Also quite important is that every project needs to be viable, not just a feature without the surroundings. I don't want to build what I call an improved bike with a nice seat but no wheels.

Work on the projects will start on Monday, 4 April, because tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of Ludum Dare which will join and make a game. I will share that here as well, just as a pre-journey to the MVPs.

Updates for all the projects will be on this website and on Twitter @AndreBaltazar.

This site will not be public for a week, as I test this concept privately before committing to such a crazy journey. So by the time of release there will be at least a few of these entries. Of course there will be days skipped, with travels, and don't know the impact of that on this project, but let's see. Thanks for reading this far! Let's get building.